I hope that Korean Language translation will be normal for new game.
Strange contexts and conversations,
The middle tank has the same translation(중형 탱크, 중형탱크) as the heavy tank,
Two Brachitsch (one is Walter model)
Translations and +-signs jumbled together,
translation in challenge mission is
star_condition Translation 7 was in star_condition translation 22, very mess...
So must have to play in English to clear.
star_condition_0={0}개 중요 거점 취득
star_condition_1={0}개 중요 목표 소멸
star_condition_2=누적 물자 {0} 달성
star_condition_3=누적 공업 {0} 달성
star_condition_4=누적 지식 {0} 달성
star_condition_5=수도 레벨 {0} 도달
star_condition_6=기관의 건조 완성
star_condition_7=인구 수량 {0}이하
star_condition_8=배치한 장교 작위 {0}이하
star_condition_9=배치한 공주 수량 {0}이하
star_condition_10=배치한 장교 수량 {0}이하
star_condition_11=총 {0}개의 적군 유닛 소멸
star_condition_12=기관 스킬을 사용하지 않음
star_condition_13=군사 전술을 사용하지 않음
star_condition_14=보병을 생산하지 않음
star_condition_15=기병을 생산하지 않음
star_condition_16=포병을 생산하지 않음
star_condition_17=해군을 생산하지 않음
star_condition_18=보병 장교를 배치하지 않음
star_condition_19=기병 장교를 배치하지 않음
star_condition_20=포병 장교를 배치하지 않음
star_condition_21=해군 장교를 배치하지 않음
star_condition_22=살아남은 부대 수량 {0}개 이상
star_condition_0=Have {0} key point(s)
star_condition_1=Destroy {0} key target(s)
star_condition_2=Material accumulated reaches {0}
star_condition_3=Industry accumulated reaches {0}
star_condition_4=Knowledge accumulated reaches {0}
star_condition_5=Capital level reaches {0}
star_condition_6=Successfully completed building wonders
star_condition_7=Number of surviving troops no less than {0}
star_condition_8=Population no more than {0}
star_condition_9=Titles of deployed general(s) no more than {0}
star_condition_10=Number of deployed princess(es) no more than {0}
star_condition_11=Number of deployed general(s) no more than {0}
star_condition_12=Eliminate {0} enemies in total
star_condition_13=Unused wonder skills
star_condition_14=Unused military tactics
star_condition_15=Unproduced infantry
star_condition_16=Unproduced cavalry
star_condition_17=Unproduced artillery
star_condition_18=Unproduced navy
star_condition_19=Undeployed infantry general
star_condition_20=Undeployed cavalry general
star_condition_21=Undeployed artillery general
star_condition_22=Undeployed naval general