You gave me so much usefull tipps
Arthur Currie, is will briefly explain my workaround for the ships, Just for frigatte. - May it contains usefull hints for You too.
I used the assets unit_ship from ew6w. In EW6 1914 def_motion.xml and def_effectsannimaton.xml are encrypted, so I just can use the scenes that I see in the animation (.bin).
I usually add the scenes I found in the xml-file after
, this is not necessary, but very usefull for later usage.
I try to comment as much as possible.
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Aζ»ε»ε¨η»" en="Attack animation of Tier 2 Frigate A" desc="frigatte attack right" />
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°A移ε¨ζη»" en="Tier 2 frigate A continues to move" desc="frigatte move right" />
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°εΎ
ζΊε¨η»a" en="Second-tier frigate standby animation a" desc="frigatte ready right" />
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Bζ»ε»ε¨η»" en="Second-tier frigate B attack animation" desc="" />
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°B移ε¨ζη»" en="Tier 2 Frigate B continues to move" desc="" />
<Scene name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°εΎ
ζΊε¨η»b" en="Second-tier frigate standby animation b" desc="" />
But sadly this scenes don't contain the unit by itself.
My workaround uses two tricks: 1. I call the asset directly from the bin file in def_motion
<Unit name="Frigate" res="army/army_ship2" dir="1" x="-33" y="-49">
<Motion name="7" type="ready" dir="right"/>
<Motion name="8" type="ready" dir="left"/>
<Motion name="7" type="attack" dir="right" effect="frigate"/>
<Motion name="8" type="attack" dir="left" effect="frigate"/>
As the immage is not centered it appears in a wrong position, and refx and refy in the xml have no effect for .bin annimations. So I moved the insert-point with x and y to bring the assets in the correct position, but I can't use anymore animations in def_motion. I didn't found any other way to move the asset in position.
Remember the nubers in the xml are double than they appear in the game, so roughly x = -ΒΌ * w, and y = -ΒΌ * h.
My second trick: You can call not only effects in effect="frigatte" of def_effectsanim. Also all animations (even from other files) can be called. This is the effect frigatte:
<EffectsAnimation name="frigate right">
<List type="effect">
<Effect name="" at="0.2" x="58" y="24" rot="0" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav"/>
<Effect name="" at="0.4" x="58" y="24" rot="0" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav"/>
<List type="animation">
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Aζ»ε»ε¨η»" at="0.0" x="33" y="+40" hscale="1" vscale="1" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav" desc="fire"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Aζ»ε»ε¨η»" at="0.3" x="33" y="+40" hscale="1" vscale="1" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav" desc="fire"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°A移ε¨ζη»" at="0.1" x="33" y="+40" hscale="1" vscale="1" sound="" desc="move"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°εΎ
ζΊε¨η»a" at="1.5" x="33" y="+40" hscale="1.2" vscale="1.2" sound="" desc="ready"/>
<EffectsAnimation name="frigate left">
<List type="effect">
<Effect name="" at="0.1" x="-58" y="24" rot="180" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav"/>
<Effect name="" at="0.4" x="-58" y="24" rot="180" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav"/>
<List type="animation">
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Bζ»ε»ε¨η»" at="0.0" x="-33" y="+40" hscale="-1" vscale="1" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav" desc="fire"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°Bζ»ε»ε¨η»" at="0.3" x="-33" y="+40" hscale="-1" vscale="1" sound="sfx/naval_gun.wav" desc="fire"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°B移ε¨ζη»" at="0.1" x="-33" y="+40" hscale="-1" vscale="1" sound="" desc="move"/>
<animation res="army/army_ship2" name="δΈιΆε·‘ζ΄θ°εΎ
ζΊε¨η»b" at="1.5" x="-33" y="+40" hscale="-1.2" vscale="1.2" sound="" desc="ready"/>
The animations need another y offset to be at their exact position. Animations can not be rotated, but scaled hscale="-1" mirrors the effect horizontal (left-right).
Calling move and ready is an unnecessary extra I use for testing.
May this was usefull.
Sadly in def_motion only attack seems to call an effect, I did not arrive to call effects with ready or other motion types - is there a trick?