At the gates of Lyon (Hundred Days’ War)
Dec 21, 2018 22:01:23 GMT
Friedrich “Fried Rice” Paulus likes this
Post by Immortal on Dec 21, 2018 22:01:23 GMT
As I noticed there is no walkthrough and as I succeed and because there is nice community I would like to "give my brick".
Generals I had:
1.Massena (+25%hp add item- royal coft; +10/+25 - fergusson rifle)
2.Karl (+30+20 hp healing- amb and tent)
3.Murat (+20+10 healing)
4.Lan(+30healing; +10/+25 cavalry pistol)
5. Gates (+15 hp add item)
6.Jourdan(+10/+25 artilery binocular)
*1.Lan and Karl -are almoust fully upgraded (both Marshals+last nobility rank; +fully aura +half of other upgrades); 2. Murat and Massena -half upgraded(I general - allow have 2items; +aura fully, nothing else) 3. Jourdan and Gates non ugraded(except Major upgrade what allow to use 1 item)
Quite strong setup and I could do it from first time(made tryout to test what happens if I destroy 3 forts - you get Ney as ally(can't control him) and town nearby as gift and you can use it. Imo it's bad option because 1. you woun't kill units(they will spawn later, but why risk?) 2. wounded your army 3. 5-6turns waste
What I did I rushed with Lan in 1st turn(if you have upgrades for speed you can do the same as it opens you possibility to kill some units who get damaged by your Napoleons army(ally).
And followed with all others where Karl making his way with +50recovery and ~100dmg +Massena helps him. Meanwhile artilery worked on city and I take it on 4th turn and made 2Line inf+1light cav, and moved tovards object city.
You can work slowly especially if you have not so strong gens/tech or your generals are wounded. Try to work on: 1.kills and get both stables faster because they produce units 1per 1-2turns. Ofc think about kill count and how much time you have-if you take 2nd stable on turn 6-9then its ok.
*but keep in mind then later at turn ~8-9 (I took object city around that turn, so probably trigger. btw I surrounded city defending general - he didn't try to escape with 90hp just let you know) southwest forces will attack with Ney(4rifleman;1arty) and on all north till upper stables will be ~10enemy units(all will be with no morale(?), so you can kill them or just soften if you have already kills because idk, maybe if you kill all there will be next wave. Depends on you and You may write there if it triggered next wave.
+Napolion will come closer to city what we captured 1st and then stays 2tiles south of stables and stand there. I killed Ney with 2arty and left line inf+cav to protect Napoleon.
Killed what left from 1st wave who were alive and at ~12.started next wave and at ~15 I belive 3th(not so sure, i just skipped it). So just keep 2-3generals close to object city to prevent surrounding & slaughter + "?" morale. They spawn on top left corner so you can block them and work with arty on them.
Ps. Hope my "wall of paper" helped you because its easier to read and had some tips what to expect and how other player won ofc who is interested, because sometimes is interesting win by self. Its depends on yourself. As I replicate 1st mission, ofc maybe I should do it by self, but if there is a solution it's silly not to use it so as I said, hope it helps somebody (as I stuck on Spanish war -3th mission &^&%%( )
pps. sorry if there is some gramatic or other mistakes, as engl isn't my native language and I wrote it to practice aswell haha.
Generals I had:
1.Massena (+25%hp add item- royal coft; +10/+25 - fergusson rifle)
2.Karl (+30+20 hp healing- amb and tent)
3.Murat (+20+10 healing)
4.Lan(+30healing; +10/+25 cavalry pistol)
5. Gates (+15 hp add item)
6.Jourdan(+10/+25 artilery binocular)
*1.Lan and Karl -are almoust fully upgraded (both Marshals+last nobility rank; +fully aura +half of other upgrades); 2. Murat and Massena -half upgraded(I general - allow have 2items; +aura fully, nothing else) 3. Jourdan and Gates non ugraded(except Major upgrade what allow to use 1 item)
Quite strong setup and I could do it from first time(made tryout to test what happens if I destroy 3 forts - you get Ney as ally(can't control him) and town nearby as gift and you can use it. Imo it's bad option because 1. you woun't kill units(they will spawn later, but why risk?) 2. wounded your army 3. 5-6turns waste
What I did I rushed with Lan in 1st turn(if you have upgrades for speed you can do the same as it opens you possibility to kill some units who get damaged by your Napoleons army(ally).
And followed with all others where Karl making his way with +50recovery and ~100dmg +Massena helps him. Meanwhile artilery worked on city and I take it on 4th turn and made 2Line inf+1light cav, and moved tovards object city.
You can work slowly especially if you have not so strong gens/tech or your generals are wounded. Try to work on: 1.kills and get both stables faster because they produce units 1per 1-2turns. Ofc think about kill count and how much time you have-if you take 2nd stable on turn 6-9then its ok.
*but keep in mind then later at turn ~8-9 (I took object city around that turn, so probably trigger. btw I surrounded city defending general - he didn't try to escape with 90hp just let you know) southwest forces will attack with Ney(4rifleman;1arty) and on all north till upper stables will be ~10enemy units(all will be with no morale(?), so you can kill them or just soften if you have already kills because idk, maybe if you kill all there will be next wave. Depends on you and You may write there if it triggered next wave.
+Napolion will come closer to city what we captured 1st and then stays 2tiles south of stables and stand there. I killed Ney with 2arty and left line inf+cav to protect Napoleon.
Killed what left from 1st wave who were alive and at ~12.started next wave and at ~15 I belive 3th(not so sure, i just skipped it). So just keep 2-3generals close to object city to prevent surrounding & slaughter + "?" morale. They spawn on top left corner so you can block them and work with arty on them.
Ps. Hope my "wall of paper" helped you because its easier to read and had some tips what to expect and how other player won ofc who is interested, because sometimes is interesting win by self. Its depends on yourself. As I replicate 1st mission, ofc maybe I should do it by self, but if there is a solution it's silly not to use it so as I said, hope it helps somebody (as I stuck on Spanish war -3th mission &^&%%( )
pps. sorry if there is some gramatic or other mistakes, as engl isn't my native language and I wrote it to practice aswell haha.