Just a quick one as I saw it was missing. Sorry for lack of pictures, highly reccomended to wait to perfect clear this mission till later. Managed it with Kesselring, yamashita, Ozawa, donitz and Ricardi.
General overview of the mission take over the first large island around turn 7-9 the rest of the map will open up.
Prior to this send yamashita to the small island on the right on full stack and paratrooper as soon as possible around turn 4 or 5 but defiantly be willing to part with him the turn. The reinforcements show up next to the island he will crush the units there take over the resources and send one more full infantry stack. Use all remaining forces to take over the main island. Bring the troops to the left side of the island for when it opens up.
Keep your fleet back at the bottom left of the map before it expands taking out the subs and warships in the area. When the full map is revealed send them down south as quickly as possible to take out fletcher (the 1st general).
Use yamashita and a scout plane to take the bottom right island while this is happening and send the other unit on the right small island to attack the tiny inlet with a radar and navy gun on it. They will both stay in their places distracting several of the ships (healing yamashita every turn) to allow you to get rid of fletcher.
He is in between the bottom right island and next island but will move to the bottom left of the map. Eliminate and take over the port there.
Island hop yamashita to the next airport and wipe out the forces, rinse and repeat till he gets to the bottom left island.
The next objective general should be in the next bay again moving to the bottom left island press the attack. I took out one turn 13ish and the next about turn 16 both are on aircraft carriers.
The last generals will be in the port of the bottom left island (in a battleship) and MacArthur will be just below him. Once both are down take the final key point quickly.
Meanwhile the original group you sent to the left of the island can wait a couple turns till there is a vague naval superiority then attack the top left island and work it's way down to the bottom left island. Use paratroopers where possible to take the naval guns out.
Regarding reinforcements I highly suggest going naval focused and only get some infantry so they can paratroop I got the second tank and it was kind of irrelevant. Send all naval reinforcements to your main naval group and spend the recources keeping them alive at the various ports. I had donitz on the battleship Ozawa on the final ship you get, Ricardi on the cruiser and Kesselring on the first aircraft carrier. Didn't bother with the second one and use the resources for subs instead try to keep at least Ricardi alive to tackle the final battleship.
He can hang out just south of the main island in the first few turns so he can heal and take out the plague of ships the allies have dotted all around then send him to join the main group.
Blow MacArthur to pieces with naval and airplanes then waltz in to take the final island. Hope it helps
Edited by
Nobunaga Oda to improve readability.
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