Now some may say not all but some will say that the only countries like America, Russia, Germany can conquer the world but they are wrong many countries like Finland, Denmark and Cuba can easily takeover the world:
I'll explain for example Finland:
The first and most important move is not to mount on offence but to defend because:
a. You would leave your only city vulnerable to attacks from Russia and Norway.
b. There would be many generals ready to pounce and capture city to be rid of you.
c. The germans are almost always useless.
Second take out any enemy general close and since there is russian city held by a general near you take it.You have to have a general who is excellent at commanding artillery to defend your newly conquered city.
To conquer you have to have these type of generals:
3 Artillery generals.
2 Tank generals.
1 infantry general who also good at commanding the air force.
At first you'l be bored because the first 10-20 rounds would be defending against continuously attacking rotten communists(No offence to modren day communists cause your cool by me
But as the Russians began to give up you attack with full force after all while defending you would spawn many soldiers.
Sorry I'll continue the guide later.
Cuba gets hard when Portugal spain brazil usa mexico try to invade you