The market share for Windows Phone is immer decreasing. Anno 2017, it has fallen below 1 percent whereas it used to be around 5% a couple of years ago.
Android has eaten all of the competitors including WP, while Ios remained the same.
It simply doesn't seem like wp will ever grow again.
This raises the question, will wc4 come out for Windows Phone?
It would be the first Easytech Game that doesn't come out for Windows.
To be honest i don't think so. Either this game or their next one will be the first without support.
The avarage consumer only uses his phone for like 3 years, that was august 2014.
I don't think there is a big group after that date who bought windows phone, meaning the amount of users is limited (which is shown btw)
Easytech is a company, they're out to make money. If they will release it on windows phone they need to rewrite the code specifically for windows phone, this cost effort and thus time and thus money. Will the amount of windows phone users and their expenditures be enough to compensate for the cost of releasing it on windows phone? I doubt it.
Therefore i think this game could be the first game not to release on windows phone, simply because i think the low amount of users aren't enough to compensate for the cost of publishing the game for Windows Phone.
So what do you think? Do you think this game will release for Windows phone in a later stadium?
Also, is your main device a windows phone?