Commander, it's been a long time we don't see you !
Anyway, take a seat & take ths file . I'm making the briefing War has been extended. Want to see what's new ?
First of all, our experts have see that Africa 1941 was not big. So they extend it.
Spanish Civil War is extended. Communist Spain is occuping a large part of Spain & a part of France. Also, Soviets troops have been spotted near Italy
Balkans is fully controlled by the Comitern but the Greek resistance don't give up against Bulgaria
Middle-East is under our control but the Soviets are approching
Mission :
After our experts, we seen that "Training in Middle-East" is enough for you
So, we have a new mission for you : Allies Revenge
Allies Revenge
Hitler is dead, it's our only chance to get Axis out. The Soviets are launching their operations against ALL axis member. We need to help them
German Civil War New Version
Two civil wars in one mission.
With the Allies make D-Day & retake France. It's time for Federal Republic of Germany & Democratic Poland to launch a counterattack on their occupants : the Communist Germany, the Communist Republic of Poland & Soviet Union
French Civil War Extended
The French Communist Party have take a oppurtunity by launching their revolution. We arrived at the good time now putting them in passive situation, but not for long. East Germany have started their attack on the Federal Republic of Germany. Now, we have to get the French Communist Party out & help the Germans repel the East Germany attack
South Asia War ajusted
We learned from General Bradley that this mission was too difficult
So our experts have ajusted this mission : Soviet presence in Indonesia, Netherlands in their colonies and a chinese landing in Australia
That's the end of the Briefing !
Glad to see you back ! Good luck & see you in the Battlefield !